In Stock Wallpaper (62)

We offer a wide variety of in stock wallpaper at The Fabric Co.! With the right wallcovering, you’ll be able to give any room in your home an amazing makeover. Whether you’re looking for neutral or vibrant colors, you’ll be sure to find something that complements your personal style. Choose from several notable brands such as Brewster, Beacon House, Patton, Waverly, York, and so much more. Our wallpaper is sold by the bolt. If you prefer to shop in person, you can stop by our fabric and wallpaper store located in St. Louis, Missouri.

Are you on the lookout for a wallcovering that will capture everyone’s attention? Our staff is ready to help you out. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a professional, we are always available to provide you with any type of assistance. Give us a call at (855)530-0775 or send us an email at

MLV34088 Wallpaper
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