Floral (575)

Elegant and charming, our contemporary floral fabric will brighten up any living space! Flower patterns offer a romantic and feminine theme that is sure to capture anyone’s attention. With the right fabric, you’ll be able to take on any project and completely enhance your decor. We carry a wide inventory of popular brands such as Covington, Kravet, Regal, and so much more for you to choose from. Explore our wide selection of modern floral upholstery fabric below.

Do you have any questions or comments about our products or services? With The Fabric Co. on your side, our talented staff will gladly help you out with any of your needs. Please give us a call at (855)530-0775 or send us an email at info@thefabricco.com. If you happen to be in the area, you can also stop by our physical store located in Chesterfield, Missouri. We look forward to hearing from you!


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14 products